Frequently Asked Questions

What is Delivery?

With a Delivery order you indicate that you want to buy a batch of pallets. This can be for yourself or for a supplier. In PCT Online, you indicate the quantities, qualities and locations you want to be delivered to. It is also possible to indicate additional delivery options. You will receive multiple offers and you choose based on most economically beneficial, most sustainable or you choose a preferred supplier. After acceptance bid, the order is executed by the pallet depot. They get paid within 8 days.

What is Collection? 

A Collection order puts you, the owner of pallets, out. You offer a batch of pallets for sale. Multiple pallet depots make an offer on your pallets. These are described by you in numbers and quality and provided with a several pictures. After acceptance of the bid, the pallet depot of your choice will pick up the pallet consignment. Subsequent sorting and valuation is possible.

As a participant, may I submit all types of pallets and/or RTI?

Yes you may. The depository of your choice will value everything and convert this in terms of value to e-Credits. These e-Credits will then be credited to your own balance in your wallet. 

When do I get a transaction fee? 

The value of a "basic" Euro pallet is covered by the EUWID index. All deviations from this standard are reflected in the transaction fee. 

What is the current value of the e-Credit? 

On the online platform PCTO you will always find the current value. The value is determined as a weighted average of the lowest and highest value in the three past 6 weekly periods. This value is taken as the basis for settling or booking the e-Credits at the time of submission or call-off.  

How does the EUWID come about? 

On the website of EUWID - wood products component - you will find all market information. EUWID prices and developments are behind a login. PCT has a subscription to this market data  

If all RTIs can be turned in do I get reimbursed for everything? 

No you don't. Most depots work with sorting lists and based on the sorting the value is determined. If there are no usable RTI among them and it is mostly "trash" there may be a negative yield.